L’Isola che c’è

Isola che c’è is an association that is dedicated to the care of children with incurable pathologies and their families, supporting the activities of the Regional Centre for palliative care and paediatric pain therapy – Paediatric Hospice in Padua.
The “Casa del Bambino” is an intermediate structure that is part of the care network around the sick child. It is an alternative service to the hospital and, in some situations, to the child’s home. The main objective is to ensure qualified assistance aimed at all the needs of the children and their families. The Hospice welcomes children with oncological diseases, complex heart diseases or genetic disorders who need a multidisciplinary approach (doctor, nurse, dietician, psychologist, specialist consultant, etc.) to improve the quality of life of the child and their family through professional and human assistance aimed at controlling physical as well as mental and emotional symptoms.
The Paediatric Hospice of Padua is the first of its kind in Italy and represents the concrete realization of the technical and regulatory documents produced in recent years by the Ministry of Health and the State-Regions Conference (fully aligned with the world literature and more advanced approaches to social and health care for this type of patient).